Saturday, June 14, 2008

Putti in the Borghese Gallery

Putti are definitely a popular arch and doorway decoration, this was no different in the Borghese Gallery. Over every major entranceway between rooms in the gallery were two mounted Putti welcoming you to the new space. These Putti were a little different than other Putti I've seen because their hair was looking windblown and was longer than is typical. May of the Putti in the Borghese Gallery had long, wavy hair, sometimes even in a ponytail which is in undeniable contrast to the typical short haired style. (Unfortunately, pictures are not allowed in the Borghese Gallery so I can't share an images with you. I guess you'll have to go see them yourself!) Another interesting and different set of Putti in this particular gallery were in one of the main rooms on the first floor there were four giant vases all decorate with Putti doing different tasks. On one vase they were chopping down wheat and bagging it and carrying it somewhere. On the second vase they were picking and eating grapes and on the third they were stringing together roses and decorating a fawn with the flowers. On the last vase the Putti were stepping on each other and almost looked like they were fighting. Another major theme for Putti in the Borghese Gallery was sleeping. There were several sculptures of Putti sleeping. My favorite had three of the angel babies squished together very closely and sleeping peacefully. Another piece had just one single Putti sleeping all alone that was reminiscent of baby Jesus in the manger. Nearly all of the Putti in this gallery were exceptionally pudgier than any other Putti that typically decorate the streets and churches of Rome. There little fat roles were plumped beyond imagination and I can't imagine a real baby being quit so chunky.

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